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Mushroom Sauce With Man Grind Salt Flakes

Mushroom Sauce With Man Grind Salt Flakes

And On The


Day Of Christmas, We Are Serving

Mushroom Sauce
With Man Grind Salt Flakes

A super easy and delicious boost to mushroom sauce. Perfect to serve with beef fillet or roast beef or chicken. Also goes great over roast veggies and mashed potatoes.


3 tbsp Magic Mushie Dust (Day 13)
1 cup Cream
1 tbsp Peppercorns (chopped finely)
1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
½ cup Stock
½ Man Grind Salt Flakes



Add all ingredients to a pan and simmer over medium heat for five minutes, stirring regularly.


Vegetarian: A great veggie option is to add sliced mushrooms and have this as creamy mushrooms on toast for breaky with a poached egg on top.

Missing out on the Advent Calendar fun & excitement for 2022?

Its never to early to start thinking about Christmas......Even when it's the Christmas of 2023. We sold out of our Advent Calendars for 2022 but if your wanting to keep upto date with our plans for next year then let us know your details below and we will keep you in the loop that way.

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