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Gingerbread House With Ginger Spice Mix

Gingerbread House With Ginger Spice Mix

And On The


Day Of Christmas, We Are Serving

Gingerbread House
With Ginger Spice Mix

Thanks to Steph from the Pepper & Me kitchen, we bring you the best recipe gingerbread house. A great project for the whole family!


Gingerbread House

125g Butter
1 cup Castor Sugar
180g Golden Syrup
1 Egg
½ tbsp Lemon Juice
4 tbsp Ginger Spice Mix
3 ½ cups Flour
½ tbsp Baking Powder

Icing Cement

500g Icing Sugar
100g Egg White
1 tsp Lemon Juice



Melt butter, castor sugar and golden syrup in a pot. Leave to cool for 15 minutes.


Once cool, whisk in your egg and lemon juice.


Put flour, Ginger Spice Mix and baking powder into a mixing bowl. Mix until a soft, pliable dough. Add drops of warm water if needed.


Roll out on a lightly floured bench to ½cm thick.


Using your gingerbread house template, trace the shapes and bake for 12 - 14 minutes at 160⁰C.


Combine all Icing Cement ingredients and whisk until firm peaks form. Please be patient, as this can take time.


Start with a flat board—one at a time, internally pipe Icing Cement on the base edge of each side. Stand the house sides until all front, back, and sides frames stand tall. Reinforce by piping the cement mixture inside and out on each corner. Leave to set for an hour. Pipe a layer of cement on the top edges, then place the roof on top. Leave overnight and decorate the next day.

Missing out on the Advent Calendar fun & excitement for 2022?

Its never to early to start thinking about Christmas......Even when it's the Christmas of 2023. We sold out of our Advent Calendars for 2022 but if your wanting to keep upto date with our plans for next year then let us know your details below and we will keep you in the loop that way.

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