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With Pepper Post, subscribers receive four delicious new and classic Pepper & Me products delivered straight to your door every month.

Join Pepper Post for only $50/per month

Pepper Post is our easy way of delivering you your Pepper & Me fix on the regular!

Simply sign up
for a Pepper Post
subscription for
just $50/month.

Each month, you’ll receive a Pepper Post box packed with delightful Pepper & Me goodies.

Enjoy amazing savings and get
first dibs on our latest creations!

We’ve run the girl math and the savings for subscribers are astounding! Plus the benefit of a subscription is when it arrives feels like its free!

We wanna keep a bit of a mystery alive, but here's a sneak peek at what you can expect in each box:

An exclusive or specially selected item
A mystery seasoning
A mystery sauce, mayo or paste
Mystery reg range product
A special treat every month
Recipe brochure full of tasty ideas!

That's over $70 value in each box for only $50 per month (incl. shipping)

Is it free to join Pepper Post?

Absolutely! There's no cost to join besides your monthly subscription.

What can I expect in my Pepper Post box?

Each Pepper Post box is packed with five delicious surprises—an exclusive or specially selected item, a mystery seasoning, a mystery sauce, mayo, or paste, a Pepper & Me regular range product, and a special treat every month. Plus, you’ll get a recipe brochure full of tasty ideas, just for our subscribers!

Can I see what’s in my box?

We'll send an email a few days before each month's delivery, giving you the option to peek inside.

This will also be a handy reminder that if you want to pause or cancel your subscription you’ll have till the first to do so before being charged for the next box.

When will I be charged for signing up?

Your first box is charged on 
the day you sign up, with subsequent payments on the 1st of each month.

For example if you sign up on May 7th you’re first box will 
be the June box. You wont 
be charged on the 1st of 
June though.

Can I cancel my susbscription at anytime?

Absolutely! You have the flexibility to manage your subscription at any time. 
Whether you want to skip a month, or cancel altogether you can. If you need some help figuring out how to update your subscription details check out these instructions here.

Is shipping included in the Pepper Post subscription?

Yes, shipping within standard zones is included. Additional fees may apply for expedited or remote delivery.

Do you ship internationally?

At this time, Pepper Post is only available for delivery
within New Zealand. Unfortunately we face challenges getting certain products into Australia, however, we're working on expanding our shipping capabilities. Watch this space!

Do boxes always cost the same amount?

Yes, they do. For members, each month your Pepper Post box will be NZ$50.00.

For non-members, we’ll have 
a limited amount of boxes available to purchase however these will not be at the Pepper Post price.

Will the boxes all be alergen free?

Over 75% of Pepper & Me products are allergen friendly however we can’t guarantee
all of the items featured in our Pepper Post boxes will always be Gluten Free, Dairy Free or Nut Free.
We’ll do our absolute best to communicate a head of each box release if there are non allergen friendly items.

Our May box is definitely AOK for our Allergen whanau!

Can I purchase a Pepper Post box without subscribing?

You sure can! We'll have a limited amount of each month's boxes available to purchase for non-subscribers. The kicker is these will be at full price and not at the reduced price subscribers pay.

Reach out to us at, and we'll be happy to help!